Remortgaging Your Home To Cover Wedding Expenses

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Remortgages To Pay For A Wedding

We make finding a remortgage easy. Financing options are available for all situations.

Remortgage interest rates start at 4.89%, fixed for at least two years, and subsequent rates are also low at this time and negotiable. Since August 2025, we have also had six new lenders for poor credit remortgage products if your credit history has a few blemishes.

Offers are limited, so please complete our short form with your details. As demand increases, the lender’s criteria will become more strict.

Weddings can be resoundingly expensive, so much so that the average cost of throwing the ultimate not-to-be-forgotten wedding day can take a steep budget of £30,111, according to Brides Magazine.

Money Supermarket put estimates slightly lower, with wedding loan averages between £18,000 and £22,000. Either way you look at it, you’re likely to need financing.

Of all the options available to finance your wedding, homeowners can lower the cost of finance by integrating the wedding budget into their home and remortgaging to raise the money to pay for their wedding.

A Money-Saving Option by Remortgaging

The offset Remortgage

For those who have already been saving to pay for some of the wedding expenses, you may already have cash savings to leverage by offsetting what you’ve managed to save against what you pay in interest to your mortgage provider.

With interest rates being low, it is possible to sacrifice the low-interest payments on savings accounts by linking them to your current account and mortgage, which will get you a lower-interest deal.

What’s more, offset remortgages can have more than one savings account linked to them, and it can be a family member savings account. This can be ideal for parents who want to contribute to their son/daughter’s wedding day but don’t have cash available directly.

With savings, those can be linked to the mortgage. Instead of paying the money as a gift towards the wedding, the linked savings would stop earning interest in favour of lowering the interest paid on the remortgage deal.

Essentially, instead of being gifted the cash once, linking the savings to the mortgage deal would save you more for the repayment duration or as long as the savings remain linked.

With interest rates favouring borrowers rather than savers, it can make financial sense to sacrifice savings interest in favour of reduced secured finance.

Why Should You Remortgage?

50% of Households Could Save Money By Remortgaging To A Better Deal. How Much Could You Save?

Remortgaging interest rates from 1.18% fixed for at least two years, and subsequent rates are also low and negotiable. Please make an enquiry today without obligation.

Managing Credit For A Wedding

Marriage and remortgages are both long-term commitments, not to be taken lightly. When planning your wedding, you must make multiple bookings, including photographers, wedding venues, videographers, florists, transport arrangements, caterers, and many more.

Most service providers will require a booking fee in advance, if not the full amount paid at the time of booking.

Any bookings requiring a deposit are primarily paid in cash or on a credit card, preferably interest-free.

When you spend money on credit, the amount you can borrow later is lower. This is because part of any loan application assessment looks at your current debt levels.

Lenders like to see that the total outstanding debt is less than 45% of your income, in the case of joint remortgage applications, that will be based on the total household income and overall debt levels.

If you accumulate debts of more than 45% of your income, it becomes problematic to get finance approved. Therefore, it would be wise to determine 45% of your income and use that as a maximum budget for things you buy on credit.

Aiming for a debt-to-income ratio of no higher than 35% is beneficial to stand the best chance of approval.

As a working example, if you’re earning £32,000, 45% of that is £14,400. The closer you are to that benchmark figure, the higher the perceived risk is to lenders as you may begin to struggle to afford the repayments.

35% would be £11,200 to stay in a comfortable bracket. So, earning £32,000 with debts under £11,200 would be considered a low and manageable debt.

When planning your wedding, it may be best to make early financing arrangements if your projected costs are higher than 45% of your income. Find out how much you can borrow and the best deals that are available right now – for free.

Secured Or Unsecured Borrowing: Which Makes Sense For You?

Raising wedding finance can be done in two ways, provided you are an existing homeowner. Unsecured loans have an upper cap, around £35,000, but they need repaying over a maximum term of 7 years, which means a higher monthly repayment.

However, it can enable you to pay the loan off faster.

Secured finance leverages your home as your asset, and because that’s used as security, you get access to lower interest rates. That doesn’t mean you’ll pay less interest, though, because this is a long-term finance agreement, which can be stretched up to 25-year terms.

You have the choice of repaying your wedding costs over a longer term, lowering your monthly repayments for longer, or borrowing at a higher headline rate and repaying it faster. A remortgage is the key for those who want the most manageable monthly repayments.

Flexible Remortgages to Pay More without Being Penalised

Most lenders are strict with their terms and conditions and will issue financial penalties where applicable. Suppose you want to combine the options of repaying your loan faster while benefiting from the fixed lower minimum repayments.

In that case, you will need a flexible lender who allows for over-payments.

Some lenders will allow you to overpay by up to £500 per month without a penalty. With proper planning, you can use your Remortgage to determine how to secure a wedding with long-term finance and pay it off in the short term.

For example, borrowing an additional £20,000 from your home’s equity could theoretically be repaid over a 5-year term by overpaying £333.33 plus monthly interest.

If you were to take out an unsecured loan for £20,000 over 60 months with an interest rate of 5%, it would cost £376.41 per month. If you were to Remortgage and repay faster, for that same amount, you’d repay the capital of the loan (£333.33 per month for 60 months) plus whatever interest rate you can secure.

A 2.75% remortgage deal would save you £20 per month on the loan repayments and lower the amount of interest repaid, provided you stick to the schedule of overpaying while not being locked into making those additional payments.

If this sounds like something you want, most lenders will provide that option, provided you ask for it to be included in your deal.

Before taking out a remortgage with the option of repaying more, it’ll be beneficial to work out how much you may be able to repay on any given month so you can get your product tailored to your needs.

This can be achieved by working directly with an independent mortgage broker with access to the lender’s underwriters. At Jubilee Finance, all our advisors are experienced, work closely with our entire lending panel, and can tailor your Remortgage to your exact requirements.

Give Your Married Life A Blissful Start With All Debts Under Control

Depending on the total amount of equity you have in your home, you could borrow more to combine multiple debt streams into the one manageable monthly repayment.

You may already be paying down credit card balances or perhaps finance agreements for household items such as white goods or sofas. These smaller repayments can add to a significant amount that eats into your monthly disposable income.

You could increase your disposable income by releasing more home equity to pay down existing balances and roll everything into one repayment.

This is known as debt consolidation and isn’t suitable for everyone. It is worth considering, though, especially at such a critical life stage as entering married life.

The majority of marital problems stem from money. In that respect, it makes sense to have a conversation focused on future financial planning. Who owes what, how much, how long’s left to repay the account, and what’s the overall cost of the credit?

Bear in mind that if you’re remortgaging jointly, any debts moved from a sole account holder and rolled into a joint mortgage create a joint and several liability, meaning both people will be responsible for the repayments at any point during the term of the Remortgage.

Depending on the term you take the Remortgage over, this can be a financial commitment lasting 25 years.

As part of planning your finances for the wedding day, you can also take the opportunity to review all your existing outgoings. You could save on your monthly repayments as you go into married life, leaving you more disposable income each month.

Obtain free and impartial advice from experts in the remortgage field. Contact us today for a free quotation and learn how we can help you.

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We could help reduce your monthly repayments by switching to a better remortgage deal.

Mark Avery

Our Remortgage Expert

Jubilee Are Here To Help

Whatever Financial Situation You Find Yourself In, We Have The Experience And The Expertise To Assist You In Finding The Right Wedding Remortgage Product. Get in contact with Jubilee, and we’ll do our best to make sure the outcome always works out For You.

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